Admissions Policy Rationale
The Admissions Policy at VPA echoes with its mission statement which emphasises academic excellence and educational innovation.
VPA's Admissions Policy is inclusive and non-discriminatory. In regard to religion and race, customs will be respected provided that they do not disrupt the school routine, interfere with the learning of other students. In addition, we are sensitive to students' individual needs and will provide a wide range of support for students who have language and learning needs, physical and medical conditions, and emotional and behavioural issues. The school may require parents to allow their children to undergo psychoeducational assessment in order for them to receive appropriate and comprehensive support.
VPA will strictly follow the instructions of the Nanshan Education Bureau set forth in enrollment. Please refer to the Nanshan Education Bureau for enrollment details for privately-run schools (http://www.szns.edu.cn).
Please click here to submit your online application. You can also scan the QR code below for more information on our Open Day and events for prospective parents.

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